Follow-Up scripts

12 week access

About the course

Follow-up! How many salespeople really do it? According to the stats, 44% of salespeople quit after the 1st call, 68% quit after the 2nd, 82% drop out after the 3rd and 94% give up by the 4th… Yet, 80% of the transactions that happen during follow-up take place between the 5th and 12th attempt.

Which is why having a creative follow-up strategy in place is so critical to your success. Because not only is that where 21% of sales live, but when you don’t properly follow up you essentially become reliant on being great only once. Those that take that approach normally tend to lose out on a ton of opportunities and cost companies a significant amount of money.

In this course, you will have a 365 day plan with exact scripts that allow you to follow up with every lead type in ways that are guaranteed to maximize your response rate. Which in turn, will ultimately increase your appointment count and closing percentage.

The course covers all aspects of effective follow-up, such as when and how often you should follow up, what you should say when you follow up and how you should organize your follow-up. This information is all laid out for you in a way that, if utilized, will magnify your success.

What you will Get

  • New Member Follow-up Scripts
  • Missed Sales Follow-up Scripts
  • Guest Pass Follow-up Scripts
  • Web leads Follow-up Scripts
  • Appointment Confirmation Follow-up Scripts
  • Incentive Based Follow-up Scripts
  • Managerial Follow-up Scripts

And much more that cover every possible lead type there is, with a variety of different approaches that are aimed to boost response rates. 

Unlimited Access

View what you want, when you want. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

On-Demand Training

Learn on the go from your computer, tablet or mobile device.

Training Optimization

Access regularly updated and optimized training to maximize your performance.

Why Arsenal?​

Regardless of what industry you’re in, we all know that sales is the most important aspect of any business. Yet, when it comes to investing in sales training in order to maximize success, it hardly happens due to the work environment. It’s competitive, fast paced and goals constantly need to be met. As a result, sales training never gets done due to a lack of time and most salespeople tend to never get better than they are right now. This is the reason why most health clubs tend to struggle with production, performance and driving revenue.

That’s until now. With Arsenal Sales Training, you and your team are able to leverage Johnny Santiago as your personal sales coach 24/7. If you didn’t have enough time to train before — now you do. You’re able to train whenever you want, on the topics you want, without having to sacrifice production. The real-world application and sustainability of our content will equip you and your team with the skills, knowledge and tools to maximize business results and dominate the industry.

Contact Us

Contact us to maximize your talent and business. We would love to hear from you!